Don’t Wait for Disaster To Strike, Be Proactive
Fire protection is a must for any business or commercial property owner. While no property is 100 percent immune, there are a number of preventative measures a business or property owner can take to reduce their exposure and risk, as well the amount of damage that might occur should disaster strike.
Does this require extra effort on the part of the property owner or business? Certainly, yes. But because fire can be such a destructive force – especially in high-risk, high-density areas – the time and effort spent installing and maintaining effective fire suppression systems, developing an emergency response plan, and performing regularly scheduled maintenance is a drop in the bucket compared to what it will cost to restore and repair the damage.
Primary Fire Damage Versus Secondary Fire Damage
When it comes to fire damage there are two types. Primary fire damage is the evidence that a fire has taken place. For example, charred materials, ash, and soot. Secondary fire damage has to do with the things you don’t see. For example, the strong odor that worms its way into every surface, fiber, and material as a result of smoke disbursement.
Water damage that occurs as a result of fire suppression systems like sprinklers or a hose team is also considered secondary damage.
What Is Considered Fire Protection?
The term fire protection is pretty self-explanatory. It involves the steps a property owner or business can take to reduce their risk of a fire event. It’s also important to remember that there is no one-size, fits-all solution as to what is considered the right amount of fire protection. Different properties share different risks. A factory or warehouse that houses highly combustible materials is going to require a different level of protection compared to a small one-story business office or a single family home.
Determining The Level of Fire Protection Needed
Fire protection and fire safety requirements often vary by region, business type, and the size of the structure. It may also depend on things like population density and the odds a fire event may occur. This is especially important in areas prone to wildfires.
With that being said, it is always recommended to review any local rules, regulations, and ordinances that may be required for a business to operate. For example, a commercial warehouse in a wildfire-prone area may be required to create a defensive space around their structure by removing brush, twigs, and dead trees from the ground, dead leaves from gutters, and removing things like pallet stacks stored out in the open. Failure to do so may result in fines, the cancellation of a business license or, in the worse cases, legal action should the property be accused of negligence.