asbestos abatement

take care of Asbestos with safety in mind

Think you have an asbestos problem? It’s important to sample building materials that have been or could be disturbed in your property for asbestos-containing materials to help you mitigate risk, reduce contingent liability, and ensure your property remains safe from an asbestos release, protecting your building’s occupants.

Asbestos has been used in over 3,000 different products in the United States and Canada. Asbestos is banned in 60 countries, though not in the United States. Asbestos may be found in gypsum drywall and drywall finish compound imported into the United States as recently as 2020.

Common Items with Asbestos

  • Roofing shingles
  • Moldable plastics
  • Floor and ceiling tiles
  • Insulation
  • Heat-resistant or fireproof clothing
  • Gypsum drywall
  • Drywall joint compound

Asbestos Abatement Process

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asbestos abatement inspection

A licensed inspector must test for asbestos-containing materials and provide a complete evaluation. Having an inspector who knows the state, municipal, and federal regulations for asbestos encapsulation or removal is crucial.

Containment of Affected Area
asbestos abatement danger
Containment of Affected Area

Contain the area, and post “Danger: Asbestos-Containing Materials” signage around any suspected asbestos-containing materials that have been or will be disturbed, to protect the building occupants.

Controlled Removal and Demolition
Fire Damage Demolition
Controlled Removal and Demolition

Trained and certified workers will encapsulate or remove PACM in accordance with federal, state, and municipal regulations.

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Asbestos is a name given to a group of six fibrous, silicate minerals:
• Actinolite
• Amosite
• Anthophyllite,
• Chrysotile
• Crocidolite
• Tremolite

It is a natural deposit found in many places around the world. Its flexible fibers are resistant to electricity, corrosion, and heat. The most common form is white asbestos (chrysotile). It is used in automotive and construction projects. Even though asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral, it poses a serious health risk and is an extremely dangerous carcinogen. If you suspect asbestos in your home, residential or commercial property, do not touch or handle it in any manner. Call us immediately to begin a thorough survey and assessment.

Asbestos Abatement is a series of steps designed to safely remove or contain asbestos fibers from asbestos-containing materials. The affected area will be sealed off, and asbestos materials will be removed from the area. Clearance testing will be conducted before the containment is removed to confirm that the removal has met the regulatory requirement for that jurisdiction.

Encapsulating the area may be a part of the abatement process. Encapsulating is a way to leave the asbestos in place but to contain it so that it no longer presents a threat. Sometimes if asbestos is left undisturbed, it can be kept as is with little to no risk of exposure. If this is the case, the asbestos will be encapsulated with protective barriers and left where it is.

Never move or disturb any suspected material unless proper testing has been conducted. If materials contain asbestos, use a licensed abatement contractor in your area. Always check your local regulations and with public health and environment officials for additional guidance.


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